E. coli

Why test for E. coli O157?
E. coli O157 is regarded as one of the most serious threats to the producers and consumers of food, all over the world.

Food poisoning outbreaks, caused by E. coli O157, have involved a wide range of foods including meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, vegetables, salads and fruit juices.

Outbreaks involving E. coli O157 have resulted in major product recalls and substantial economic loss. Numerous cases of illness and many deaths have resulted.

The USDA has issued an E. coli O157:H7 test directive to producers, retailers and importers/exporters of raw ground beef products.

E. coli O157 Latex kit, E. coli O157:H7 Latex Test Reagent 2 ml
The innovative E.coli O157 latex kit offers definitive identification of E.coli O157 through the use of a proprietary antibody that eliminates the possibility of cross-reactions with Escherichia hermanii and other sorbitol-negative Escherichia species.

– So sensitive, only a single, direct colony is required
– Rapid results in only 2 minutes!
– Presented in a uniquely designed, user friendly workstation
– Available in two convenient sizes of 50 or 100 tests
– Contains positive and negative control
– Incredible 2 year shelf life!

Prolex™ E. coli H7 Flagellar Antigen Latex Reagent
The use of the Prolex™ H7 reagent allows immediate identification and confirmation of positive E. coli O157:H7 organisims.

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