Corporate Social Responsibility is not just a choice by the Management of AnalytiChem Netherlands B.V. , it has been at the core of the company from the very beginning. BioTrading has always considered the living environment in its business-related actions. This core way of doing business is part of our company ethos and we take our responsibility for our role in society, and the world we live, and work in, very seriously. We therefore do not only pay attention to the economic performance of our business operations but also to the environmental and social issues. Implementation of an environmental management system in accordance with ISO14001 and CSR (ISO26000) is a process that ultimately advances our company. The gas and electricity used within our business is naturally green and carbon neutral.

Standards, Ethics, Legislation and Improvement
AnalytiChem Netherlands B.V. sets high standards in the way we conduct business both ethically and legally. We expect the same high standards and commitment from our business partners. We take these principles and standards into account when selecting our partners. Our business partners are expected to…
• Adhere strictly to ethical principles and good practices with regard to labour, environment, health and safety, and management systems.
• Agree, communicate and apply these principles.
• Comply fully with all legislation, rules and regulations.

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