NG-Test MCR-1
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Product Code | NGB-MCR-S23-002 |
Product Format | Kit, 20 tests |
Pack Size | 1/P |
Manufacturer | NG Biotech |
NG-Test® MCR-1 is a qualitative lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid detection of Colistin resistance, in less than 15 minutes.
It detects the presence of the MCR-1 enzyme responsible for Polymyxin E (colistin) resistance in Gram Negative bacteria, from a bacterial colony.
Kit contents:
– 20 test cassettes in aluminium pouches with desiccant
– 20 Eppendorf tubes
– 20 disposable pipettes of 100ul
– 1 extraction buffer solution in a plastic bottle (4,5 ml)
– 1 leaflet